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Week 6



  1. Decentralized Web conference - 
    1. options if we can't get this covered? - wasn't possible to find anyone to cover
  2. Pre-story on Blockchain for Science conf Berlin - this can be with one of the main participants
    1. backup story?
  3. Solid new releases - SDK, app building: 
    1. possible interview TBL?
  4. Governance - 1 or 2 article to describe different types of governance
  5. Governance - 1 or 2 article to describe different types of governance - New economy and stakeholder in science with the well financed commercial players from Blockchain / crypto currency
  6. Research project examples: DAT - CDL - In these three articles need to demonstrate a variety of issues.
  7. Research project examples: Solid - Dolieli
  8. Research project examples: Blockchain - ?  
  9. DW connected to DevOps
  10. New social networks and the replacement of research gate with new DW player, with New economy component
