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Currently : currently how to cite software is not clear or technically resolved, and secondly the documentation of basic information (kind of metadata) that a software maker should provide is also not clearly defined so that researchers looking to use published works do not have enough information to act on.

Guidance is needed on both issues and we can engage with key players working on these issuesproblems.

We can produce three articles, get the community on the forum and , point to others how-tos, and help get interest and contributions into community projects.

#Questions 1. needs 3. improving systems  

#Editorial 1. empowering 2. discourse 3. bottom-up 5. replicable models 

#Brand 3. Gender gender equality 4. Coco-creation #Strategy 

#Strategy 1. three channel  

#Audience 1. carreer career 2. engaged

Note: Blog comparators are not carrying stories on this topic (3.18 SW)


