
To publish

1 Aug - round-up on Software Citation + v01 mapping Software Citation (info graphic)


TBC no date 'Recommendations on the Development, Use and Provision of Research Software'

TBC no date transitive credit

TBC no date Software Libraries / indexes

TBC no date - mapping Software Citation (info graphic) - (trial version done with 1 Aug round up)

TBC no date POSTER (made in house)

TBC - (postponed until autumn) Full piece as blog - The Future of Software Citation - collaborative piece Announcement Published 25/7/18

TBC July - Postponed till after summer - Announce working on Wikipedia entries for 'Software Citation', en, de?, fr?, maybe more? - Notebook

Next theme: Decentralized Web

Start publishing: 27 august - 5 October (6 weeks); Blog post slots - 6 to 10; start using notebook for smaller editor posts; a OS MOOC contribution



Week 1


Week 2



Week 3



Week 4



Week 5



Week 6



  1. Decentralized Web conference - 
    1. options if we can't get this covered? - wasn't possible to find anyone to cover
  2. Pre-story on Blockchain for Science conf Berlin - this can be with one of the main participants
    1. backup story?
  3. Solid new releases - SDK, app building: 
    1. possible interview TBL?
  4. Governance - 1 or 2 article to describe different types of governance
  5. Governance - 1 or 2 article to describe different types of governance - New economy and stakeholder in science with the well financed commercial players from Blockchain / crypto currency
  6. Research project examples: DAT - CDL - In these three articles need to demonstrate a variety of issues.
  7. Research project examples: Solid - Dolieli
  8. Research project examples: Blockchain - ?  
  9. DW connected to DevOps
  10. New social networks and the replacement of research gate with new DW player, with New economy component

Other DecWeb leads

Thinking about the Decentralized Web

Use  cases

Ideas / stories

Twitter Pool


General - available to be worked on

Articles / Gen R work

To Do

  1. TWITTER Replicable Business Models for Replicable Science - 1. highlight the resources and generosity of being open, value for small press (as a multi part thread); 2. Ask libraries to comment on the economic model on twitter and in site comments; 3. Highlight the volume of publications of the press; 4. Point to other projects under OpenAIRE related research scheme.

  2. NOTEBOOK Partnering with OS MOOC - make an announce and have them do same (create letter of agreement), notebook article
  3. TWITTER Thread on all Software Citation articles


  1. Decentralized Web - theme announce 27/7


Events and calendared stories

Possible themes and content