
To publish

1 Aug - round-up on Software Citation + v01 mapping Software Citation (info graphic)


TBC no date 'Recommendations on the Development, Use and Provision of Research Software'

TBC no date transitive credit

TBC no date Software Libraries / indexes

TBC no date - mapping Software Citation (info graphic) - (trial version done with 1 Aug round up)

TBC no date POSTER (made in house)

TBC - (postponed until autumn) Full piece as blog - The Future of Software Citation - collaborative piece Announcement Published 25/7/18

TBC July - Postponed till after summer - Announce working on Wikipedia entries for 'Software Citation', en, de?, fr?, maybe more? - Notebook


Events and calendared stories

Twitter Pool


General - available to be worked on

Articles / Gen R work

To Do

  1. TWITTER Replicable Business Models for Replicable Science - 1. highlight the resources and generosity of being open, value for small press (as a multi part thread); 2. Ask libraries to comment on the economic model on twitter and in site comments; 3. Highlight the volume of publications of the press; 4. Point to other projects under OpenAIRE related research scheme.

  2. NOTEBOOK Partnering with OS MOOC - make an announce and have them do same (create letter of agreement), notebook article
  3. TWITTER Thread on all Software Citation articles


  1. Decentralized Web - theme announce 27/7