About: currently how to cite software is not clear or technically resolved, and secondly the documentation of basic information (kind of metadata) is also not clearly defined so that researchers looking to use published works do not have enough information to act on.

Guidance is needed on both issues and we can engage with key players working on these issues.

We can produce three articles, get the community on the forum and point to others how-tos.

#Questions 1. needs 3. improving systems  #Editorial 1. empowering 2. discourse 3. bottom-up 5. replicable models #Brand 3. Gender equality 4. Co-creation #Strategy 1. three channel  #Audience 1. carreer 2. engaged

Note: Blog comparators are not carrying stories on this topic


#oscibar https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oscibar2018_session10

How is it being covered elsewhere



2016 Force11 working group running through Dec' 18 https://github.com/force11/force11-sciwg/ https://www.force11.org/software-citation-principles https://peerj.com/articles/cs-86/

2018 Nature Software Submission Guidelines’, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-018-02741-4 


  1. Theme announce: possibly we announce themes?
  2. Blog: Open Science Barcamp – report on software citation by moderator, Sophia Doerner sophia.doerner@hu-berlin.de
  3. Blog: Software Citation 'How-to' article and follow on forum – Katrin Leinweber TIB, title: Concrete advice for more sustainable scientific software projects. On private TIB Git https://git.tib.eu/leinweberk/FAIR-Data-Prinzipien-auf-Software-anwenden
  4. Forum/how-tos: The Software Citation community - get them onto the forum to help move things forward. I now have the contacts and literature from #OSBarcamp 
  5. Blog/ resource: someone could give the top 3 lit, news sites, projects, citation managers to use: Literature and projects (provisional) https://www.zotero.org/groups/1838445/o-s/items/tag/software-cite 

Issues and questions:

Lobby OpenAIRE to include software. Currently OpenAIRE policy is not to include it – forum issue


  1. Blog no writer yet#Editorial 2. discourse. How software is described and documented so that its citation can be of use to future practitioners and readers of research publications. Possibly Stephan Druskat (HU Berlin, Citation File Format, @stdruskat, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4925-7248) of https://research-software.org/citation/

How to break the topic down

The Future?

Discover and run scientific code, Code Ocean https://codeocean.com/

Simulations in the browser, Jupyter https://jupyter.org/ and Binder to republish https://mybinder.org

Continuos Integration and validation, with dependencies and full contributor audit 

Create a grid for the theme

To include: timeline, issues, keywords, who to name check, questions to ask.



Sophia Doerner

Alexander Struck@astruckAlexander.Struck@hu-berlin.de
HU Berlin
Michael Rustler@MichaelRustlermichael.rustler@kompetenz-wasser.de
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser GmbH
Dominique Hansen 
HU Berlin
Christian Pietsch

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8778-1273 Bielefeld University Library
Stephan Druskatstdruskat
http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4925-7248HU Berlin Citation File Format
Hannes Wünsche
Konrad Förstner@konradfoerstnerkonrad.foerstner@uni-wuerzburg.de
University of Würzburg
Daniel Mietchen@EvoMRI

Wikimedia, RIO