1. Overview

The lab Linked Scientific Knowledge's (LSK) main objective is to investigate, facilitate and build Research Data Management (RDM) in different research areas such as Chemistry and Engineering. The main objective is to make Research Data FAIR that stands for:

The Lab activities are:

2. Projects

At the moment, LSK is responsible for providing the infrastructure and investigating the bests practices for two CRC (Collaborative Research Center) projects:

CRC1153: Vocabulary-oriented research data management for tailored forming process chains (https://www.sfb1153.uni-hannover.de/en/)

CRC1368: research data management for Oxygen-Free production (https://www.sfb1368.uni-hannover.de/en/sfb-1368/profile/)

The RDM system for the mentioned projects is aimed to:

3. Technology Stack

The base platforms for these RDMs are:

4. RDM characteristics and methods

Although using CKAN and SMW is a big step toward FAIR data, it is often not enough to have a functioning FAIR Research Data Management system. 

To make these systems suitable for RDM, these extra steps need to be taken:



Here are presentation slides that describe the overall approach and the System design

A short Demo of the system (Focus on the Data repository)

Systems Endpoints:

CRC 1153:
CKAN: https://service.tib.eu/sfb1153/ckan/
SMW: https://service.tib.eu/sfb1153/wiki/Main_Page

CRC 1368:
CKAN: https://service.tib.eu/sfb1368/ckan/
SMW: https://service.tib.eu/sfb1368/wiki/Main_Page

Source Code for Plugins

Available on Lab LSK github in TIB Hannover.

