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The benefits to the scientific systems can be that experiments using software can be replicated and built upon more easily, and secondly research in the area of software development, discovery and reuse is aided.

Free and Open Source software has for a long time has been organised as a gift economy and attribution has been part of the culture of rewards and recognition.

Advanced software maintenance systems make use of version control systems and dependency management. The result of these two types of technology technologies results in the ability to have any version in a software's release history being automatically available and be able to run, where applicable. With the additions such as 'continuous integration' software can be validated to be in good working order and so ensure it is fit to be use. In Building on these technologies, in the not too distant future it the technical working environment for software making can mean that greater sustainability can be achieved, example are a project like Binder to republish Jupyter notebooks

In this editorial theme editorial theme of 'software citation' we want to look at what initiatives and project are working on these issues of software citation and improving the reuse of software. We also want to look practical steps that a variety of users and public institutions can take to improve their systems for software citation.

Our these are run over a four week period, and then periodically we will revisit a theme. Our editorial approach is to support the Open Science community in its ongoing work in a given area. We do this by carrying short blog posts, engaging in discourse and support on our own forum and social media, as well as carry collaborative documents on key sources and how-tos if needed.

  • A key issue is discovery and evaluation. Researchers need more information about software used in experiments, and to have access to the source code to be able to access and run the software cited.
  • For software maintainers guidance is needed about what core metadata needs to be stored with the software in a similar way to to how open licences and copyright notices are stored.
  • Currently how to cite software is not clear or technically resolved, and secondly the documentation of basic information (metadata) that a software maker should provide is also not clearly defined so that researchers looking to use published works do not have enough information to act on.

Guidance is needed on both issues and we can engage with key players working on these problems.

Editorial evaluation


Editorial criterion

#Questions 1. needs 3. improving systems  

#Editorial 1. empowering 2. discourse 3. bottom-up 5. replicable models 

#Brand 3. gender equality 4. co-creation 

#Strategy 1. three channel  

#Audience 1. career 2. engaged

Note: Blog comparators are not carrying stories on this topic (3.18 SW)

How to break the topic down
