Versionen im Vergleich


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09:30 Doors open - coffee, refreshments and pasteries

10:00 Start, housekeeping and introductions introductions and brief intro to platform - 20 minutes

10:20 Open Science discourse - 1 hour 15 minutes

A brainstorming session to collect pointers to ongoing discourse topics, or to raise issues that are considered important but under developedunderdeveloped. If Open Science is meant to be addressing imablances imbalances or problems in science knowledge systems, : what are these issues. What , what risks come with the new systems, and what actors are at play in their design.


11:55 Open Science researchers - 1 hour 5 minutes

We Editorially we are taking 'a needs based approach’  to the researcherOpen Science researchers. Looking at how Open Science can be used in their practice and how we can improve their use of facilities, ways of working,   infrastructures around them, and have them involved in new system systems design. The aim as an editorial strategy is that we find ‘replicable models’ that the wider research community can use.


This is a chance to look at what we have inplace 'so far' as editorial concepts, but also to look at the wider media landscape of blogs and editorial resources in covering Open Science.

15:00 Coffee - 15 minutes
