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  1. Andrea Hacker - Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe, University of Heidelberg,
  2. Janneke Adema - Research Fellow Digital Media | Centre for Postdigital Cultures | School of Media and Performing Arts | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Coventry University,
  3. Jon Tennant - Palaeontologist. Open Science Communication. Open Science MOOC, 
  4. Ulrike Wuttke Wuttke - Middle Dutch | Prophecy and Eschatology | Textual Scholarship | DH | Research Data | Infrastructures | PARTHENOS | HaS | FH Potsdam
  5. Sarah Behrens - Wissenschaft & Kultur Wikimedia Deutschland
  6. Luca Mollenhauer - Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung, Informationsstelle OER


  1. André Vatter
  2. Dr. Stefan Schmeja
  3. Ina Blümel
  4. Philip Schrenk
  5. Guido sherp
  6. Lambert Heller
  7. Simon Worthington
