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Using Skosmos served vocabularies in VIVO


New vocabularies, located on Skosmos server can be integreted in VIVO as follows:

Creating a new


Java class for a new vocabulary source

Within the following directory a new file with the java Java class for the new vocabulary service has to be created: /backup/vivo22/tib/app/vivo/src/vivo-tib/VIVO/api/src/main/java/edu/cornell/mannlib/semservices/service/impl/

In the new file we declare the java Java class for the new vocabulary source and we configure the connection between VIVO and the source:


private static String getSearchTerm(VitroRequest vreq) {
return vreq.getParameter("searchTerm");

After the steps 1 and 2 the application must be rebuild.  

Defining the new vocabulary source in the data directory

3. In this file (It //vivo22/tib/app/vivo/data/.../rdf/abox/filegraph/vocabularySource.n3 ) the new vocabulary service has to be be defined as an owl:Thing, and it receives a label


While rebuilding the application and restarting the tomcat server Tomcat Server this file is gonig going to be overwritten, so that the editions edits can get lost. Therefore make sure, that the editions edits are in the file after each rebuild and restart.
