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  • New advisory board members join GenR. Welcome!
  • GenR editorial report
    • Stats: Content; Web; Twitter – see PDF, also stats page 
    • Challenges:
      • Themes and problems of getting theme research questions answered by blogposts. Finding solutions. This means being inventive in bringing on board new editorial formats for blogposts / content: interviews, making questions clearer in theme announces; asking people to cover events or releases that target a question; collaborative infographics. Other suggestions for formats or ideas welcome.
      • How to react to fast moving news stories, for examples: predatory publishing; Open Science Monitor Elsevier tender; and on the horizon the OA H2020 EU platform as building block of Open Science Cloud.
        • The approach could be:
          • To go slow and analytical
          • Collaborative and crown sourced writing
          • Supporting activist groups
          • Deciding its out-of-scope
          • ?
      • Improving UX / UI and platform consolidation
      • Create a graphic library and ways of employing it for narratives and design enhancement of stories / content
  • Suggestions of trends, ideas, observations on Open Science that you think we should be following
  • On a conceptual level what could be improved with GenR
  • GenR Theme survey – see stats and other theme suggestions as PDF - Question Theme Consultation and theme results
  • Proposal for the model of an ‘Editorial Board’ from Simon.





Meeting Report (SW 29.10.18)

Advisory Board Meeting #2 24.10.18

Notes and report – Simon Worthington


Simon Worthington        SW

Lambert Heller                  LH

Guido Scherp                     GS

Ulrike Wuttke                    UW

Andrea Hacker                  AH

André Vatter                     AV

Jon Tennant                       JT

New members

  • Not able to make the meeting
  • Have been in contact with Luca and Benedikt
  • Will consult new members on agenda and specific topics
  • Re ‚Themes‘: Benedikt expressed support for ‚infrastructures‘ theme and widening it to make relevant to a wide number of stakeholders, i.e., governance, models of ownership, service design, participation, FOSS methodologies, etc.

Editorial report – evaluating and improving editorial 


  • UW asked about own use being measured in Web stats. SW: TIB IP addresses filtered out. GS: Matomo supports opt out with ‚do not follow‘. GS: makes recommendation that we don’t exclude board members as they are valid readers.
  • GS/AV: Further information requested on stats. Blogposts – date published, theme. Referrer stats.
  • AH: Too early to make evaluation on editorial direction based on evaluation of stats.
  • AV: Asked about trends, where traffic coming from. SW: Instructional material gets high hits; posts with a network behind them do as well.

Reacting to fast moving ‘news stories’

  • SW: reported on this type of story posing challenges for GenR. In that we need to show some reaction to these high profile stories, and support activists and campaigners who are voicing ‘Open Science’ concerns.
  • Further consideration needed for how to deal with these types of stories is needed. The expanded new ‘editorial board’ could play a role. UW: mentioned using fast and slow channels, like Twitter.
  • SW will write up a ‘one page’ ideas and approaches recommendation for the development of an editorial strategy for ‘fast moving news stories’.

GenR theme and survey

  • The theme survey results of approximately 35 respondents did not show any clear indication of one theme standing out from the others. They did show that all of themes selected had support.
  • The approach to using the survey to choose a theme is to use the survey as one tool or indicator among many, and that decisions need to be made strategically and based on other factors such as correspondence to conferences going on, or how others have treated topics.
  • AH: had earlier expresses support for Open Science in HE because of the need to spread Open Science practices.
  • Benedikt Fecher: In an earlier meeting had suggested expanding ‘infrastructures’ question to be made relevant to a wider community.
  • UW: Raise the point that it is about making issues relevant to readers, scholars, in relating ideas to something that is of immediate use to the reader.
  • SW is to come back with recommendations on the theme question.

Proposal new ‚editorial board‘

  • No clear and unanimously agree formula was not arrived at for the creation of an editorial board, although there is support for the idea of an editorial board.
  • GS: suggested we start with a sample group of members from the Research Alliance.
  • Questions about incentives and motivation were raised.
  • SW to work out more detail on the functions and working of a board and come back with written outline.

Things not covered


  • SW will provide a ‘procedure’ document for improved security on GenR, ongoing monitoring of procedure implementation, and for hack recovery.

Editorial modules

    • Open Science Taxonomy – internal consultation will be released early Nov.
    • Mapping Open Science – Zotero based prototype will be release after Taxonomy released on late November. Plan is to have Taxonomy and Open Science Mapping ready as prototype for consultation in March Open Science Barcamp.

Action points

    •  SW: Set next three dates for Advisory Board Meetings
    •  SW: Ensure TIB IPs filtered from Matomo Web stats
    •  SW: Simon to make theme recommendation for next four themes (later being provisional) Nov ‚18-April ‚19.
    •  SW: Add to stats:-Blogpost Web stats - date Published, theme; Referrer stats
    •  SW: Write up ‘one pager’ for editorial ideas and strategy on dealing with ‘fast moving news stories’ to then be reviewed
    •  SW is to come back with recommendations on the theme question.
    •  SW to work out more detail on the functions and working of a board, write up
    •  GS, Team GenR: to look at who from the Research Alliance could be potential Editorial Board members.
    •  SW: provide procedure document for security and hack recovery response.