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  • Input on new Theme editorial direction
  • Input on combining theme and non theme stories
  • Ideas for recruiting contributors
  • Board spreading the word – practical steps


5 minFORCE11 board membership
  • Elected by members vote 1.1.2019 and runs for 3 years
  • FYI: Force 11 initiated: FAIR principles, Software Citation Principles, code-of-conduct and safe spaces. Runs UCLA schol. comms. summer school (FSCI), 2020 will run Force 11 Latin America - Chile
  • SW responsible for:
    • Web Strategy development
    • Restarting working groups
10 minStats
  • Takeaways and interpretation: Will add more points. I need to add Google Analytics - Piwik/Mamoto is not doing the job.
    • Top Ten Tools significantly increased numbers and community profile: this will be repeated for different themes. First 'community science top ten tools/services'; climate change; Open Science Innovation, etc. Top Ten has a special numbers raising effect as all listed groups use and repost the mention significantly (they like trusted validation).
    • Community building working: connections in Leibniz networks, European networks, OS networks, OS Berlin
    • Promotion helping: barcamp, os conf, flyers and stickers (more)
  • Web stats: as of March 2019 there are over 2000 visitors per month, serving over 4000 pages per month.
    • Stats tripled since our start in June 2018 with 720 visits, to 2115 visits in March 2019, and pages from 2000 to 4000 per month over the same period.
    • Piwik/Matomo full and Twitter stats to follow
  • Twitter stats: Twitter 550 542 followers
    • Twitter stats to follow: see above
    • Significant numbers: stats to follow
  • Article readership:
    • Article web stats to follow: not easily available due to Piwik/Mamoto technical issues
10 minNew editorial direction and themes
  • New editorial direction:
    • Emphasising leading the way by example – 'show don't tell', e.g., Open Humans, Flora Incognita, Jupyter Notebooks, FAIR book sprint, etc.
    • Out competing 'closed science'. Finding examples where closed science cannot compete and fails. Not that we show the show the failing of 'closed science' but show positive examples of Open Science – call it something like 'future now'? Examples would be: Energy Modelling, Open Pharma, Micro-satellites, etc.
    • The above still has a function of demonstrating to researchers what Open Science methods, tools, practice to take onboard but this is done by first wrapping it in the inspiring example.
  • Themes: How this 'show don't tell' and 'out competing' closed science works as themes:
    • Open Science and Climate Change – engage with Fridays for Future, extinction rebellion and show industrial scale technology changes (energy modelling, hydrogen car manufacturing, urbanism/architecture Citizen BIM, logistics. NB: A low, or no carbon view point, or Transition Economy – as opposed to technology only fixes, business as usual.), plus citizen science engagement for this community as Open Science reaching out;
    • The Open Science Dividend – show open science having positive effects in sectors: scaling of technologies, increased speed of R&D; being responsive to the idea of 'societal needs', e.g., Open Humans, Open Pharma, suggestions welcome?
  • Add two expert guest contributing editors per theme - a must to get insights quickly.
10 minCombining Theme and non theme stories
  • The idea is to run theme stories and non-theme stories
    • The reason for this is that running only themes blocks other stories in the GenR community being run
    • This idea had always been there but just reinforcing idea and also can announce to readers/community to get posts
    • This is needed as the network formed through making contacts throws up stories and we lose them if only run themes
    • Second Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science projects can be profiled.
    • Already there are waiting examples: Grimpact; ZBW Open Science learning pack; TIB AV Portal; profiling OA presses, etc.
10 minPromotion, and how the advisory board can help
  • Forward me interesting contacts posts, or organisation we should be in contact with (a CRM - customer relationship management - contacts management system is being maintained)
  • Promote on Twitter, FB, social media
  • Add a slide or mention in presentations: i can provide some slide descriptions and images
  • Join the email notification list and forward to lists (note I will in the future make plain text versions of Mailchimp posts)
10 minGenR and the future – ideas?
  • After October 2019 the Research Alliance funding potentially comes to an end. The question then is what to do with Generation Research? This scenario might not happen and the Alliance might fund for another year.
  • If there is no immediate further funding I suggest the following:
    • The project is continued as more voices such as Generation Research are needed: the case for OS still needs to be made; acts as a support to OS projects who need profiling and won't get it otherwise (GenR is an amplifier) - work more closely with partner OS projects programmes and strategize media campaigns in a more focused way to help achieve goals, e.g., don't leave it to Google, Force11 WGs, etc.
    • Consolidate the network of partners, building on what we already have and bring these in more closely to support their work in a clever reciprocal way so remain as independent outlet: Alliance, supporting alliance members, OS MOOC, Force11, de-RSE/RSEs, International partners outside Europe - Harvard Astrophysics Library, etc.
    • Form editorial board of 12 and rotate responsibilities monthly (unsure how realistic as it's a tough call, but it's a starting place and the infrastructure has been setup)
    • Tie directly into OS MOOC programme and support, recruit in partners to support modules MPIs etc (just a suggestion) (Lächeln)
    • Apply for funding
    • More emphasis on Open Science Dividend ideas
  • Suggestions from advisory board.
 5 minAOB
  •  Any other business
