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RDM Service


Development at Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge

The Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge's (LSK) main objective is to investigate, facilitate and build Research Data Management (RDM) in different research areas such as Chemistry and Engineering. The main objective is to make Research Data FAIR that stands for:


  • Semantically describe the Research data 
  • Create a semantic profile for the domain-specific metadata
  • Make the RDM FAIR by benefiting from Knowledge management systems and Data repositories
  • Make the resulting Linked Data accessible to researchers through a Knowledge Graph


Technology Stack

The base platforms for these RDMs are:


  • Altun, O., Oladazimi, P., Wawer, M. L., Raumel, S., Wurz, M., Barienti, K., Nürnberger, F., Lachmayer, R., Mozgova, I., Koepler, O., Auer, S. (2023) ‘Enhanced Findability and Reusability of Engineering Data by Contextual Metadata’, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), Bordeaux, France, 24-28 July 2023. DOI:10.1017/pds.2023.164
  • Sheveleva, Tatyana, Max Leo Wawer, Pooya Oladazimi, Oliver Koepler, Florian Nürnberger, Roland Lachmayer, Sören Auer, and Iryna Mozgova. "Creation of a Knowledge Space by Semantically Linking Data Repository and Knowledge Management System-a Use Case from Production Engineering." IFAC-PapersOnLine 55, no. 10 (2022): 2030-2035.
