
Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


ArgumentDescriptionRequest Example
metadataPrefixa required argument. Specifies the metadata format returned. See section “Format” for the formats provides by TIB .verb= ListRecords & metadataPrefix =oai_dc
froman otional argument, which specifies a lower bound for datestamp-basedverb= ListRecords & from =2010-01-01
untilan optional argument, whichh specifies a upper bound for datestamp-basedverb= ListRecords & until =2016-01-01
setan optional argument with a setSpec value, wich specifices set criteria for selective harvestingverb= ListRecords & set =tibkat
resumptionTokenAn exclusive argument with a value returned by the previous ListRecords, to retrieve the next records of an incomplete list.An exclusive argument with a value returned by the previous ListRecords, to retrieve the next records of an incomplete list.

Example queries:

What data sets does the TIB provide?
