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What data sets does the TIB provide?

Static Sets

The TIB provides its own static sets which correspond to data deliverer. The list of our static sets can be retrieved via the following URL:

Dynamic Sets

The TIB offers a special syntax for Sets we call “Dynamic Sets”. By this special syntax it is possible to create more complex queries for the service provider.

The syntax for dynamic Set names can be seen in the following template:


The following components of the Set names must be included:

setOne normal set name (e.g. “tibkat”) or for all records use “all” or “*”
searchSearch query. The syntax corresponds to the syntax of the TIB Portal ( ).

Example queries:

If you want to search for all records matching the term “laser” the set name would be the following:   collection~*_solr~laser*_solr~laser

General information of the TIB OAI server

Number of the delivered records per answer100 records
Time specificationtime specified in Coordinated Universal Time UTC
Period for the selective Harvestingdays accuracy (YYYY-MM-DD)
Deleted recordsDeleted Record Policy: no
FormatStandard: Dublin Core
EncodingAs mentioned below formats are offered in the UTF-8coding!